Monday, 21 March 2011

Chowder recipe - Prawn and Sumiri Spanish Style Chowder - Dukan Style

Sumiri is processed crab like crabsticks
I was actually really bored with what I bought which was some prawns and sumiri/crabsticks that I was going to just grill and have with some Philadelphia cheese.

Then I remembered the Spanish often eat a cream fish soup so I had a try.

DUKAN RECIPE - Spanish fish chowder (2 servings)

You will need:
Three handfuls of prawns
About ten crabsticks/ two handfuls of Sumiri
One clove of garlic
Olive oil
Low fat pouring cream

Dukan Fish Soup Recipe
Half fill a pan with water and add the defrosted seafood, with the sumiri or crabsticks chopped into pieces. Add a teaspoon of paprika and a teaspoon and a half of seasalt. Add a slosh of olive oil. Prick the garlic clove with a fork and put the garlic, whole, into the pot. Boil this for about five minutes until the crabsticks break up into strips. Take out the garlic and add a tablespoon of low fat pouring cream. Serve.

The actual result is in the photo I took just now, above. It tasted great, and I am full up!

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